Thursday 15 March 2012

Spring Forward

It was properly actually hot today.  Even the smallest bars suddenly had tables and chairs outside, like early blossoms.  My afternoon park (Cinquantenaire) was full of frisbee-ers, tightrope-walkers, and lots of normal people too.

Place Flagey, an almost featureless square, was alive with children cycling, knots of pals sitting on the ground, and people just hanging out before going somewhere.  The evening had that kind of feel - a sense of something nice going to happen.  Dusk has a really milky quality here that is very pretty.

Fortunately my something nice was going home after a cancelled babysitting job.  I hurt in lots of jointed areas today and really miss having a bath.  Showers get you awake but are not soothing.

I have bought Montepulciano, but will be careful.   I wonder how much it would cost to bathe in Montepulciano.


  1. I miss baths too. A friend who has a holiday home in Turkey and sometimes visits me, actually uses a fairly deep kids' paddling pool in her bathroom as a substitute. She bought one for me but I haven't used it yet. Somehow it doesn't really appeal.

  2. Oh and by the way. I have an award for you over on my blog if you would like to collect conditions attached!

  3. Congratulations on your award from Ayak...she sent me over to enjoy your site! sounds like you've had a lovely time in the park!
