Sunday 27 November 2011

Dog Tired

My friend S is also leaving the country.  Rather more dramatically she is going to Hungary to be with a man.  This puts my "moving to Brussels because it seemed like a good idea at the time" rather in the shade.  Yesterday she had the second of probably several goodbye drinks and I am somewhat tired today.  Because we are both leaving, I thought half-price Heidsieck champagne would be a great idea.  Then there was more champagne.  Then something pink and fizzy.  Then something white and not fizzy.  Then something else white and not fizzy.  By the end of the evening I was drinking Buck's Fizz and had shoved a chihuahua inside my top where it curled up quietly. 

My Christ figure has sold for the prince(of peace)ly  sum of £16.56. Unfortunately the winner is someone who wants to organise a courier and I wish I'd said no.  Perhaps the holy spirit can whisk the item to Yorkshire, instead.

And now I'm waiting for someone to collect a dalek compost bin.  So far none of the three have gone - they seem to be very popular in theory but excuses have ranged from "my girlfriend said I couldn't" to a flat battery.  Or, indeed, just not bloody turning up.

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