Wednesday 29 August 2012

On The Money

The last few days I've been carrying around a wad, a veritable wad ( €132) of luncheon vouchers, not quite having the courage to use them.  Many shops and brasseries take them but I don't want to be caught out at the counter by an out-of-date peeling sticker on their vitrine.

Tonight I chose my shop with care.  A little grocery place on the way home (please note NOT the Delhaize on the Chausée d'Ixelles, with its skirt-blasting vents out the front and one aisle for exit and entry and the longest queues in the known world) with a chatty lady on the till.  I had my bank card ready just in case. 

And lo, they accepted my voucher!  So I bought bread and wine, just like Jesus would if he had had luncheon vouchers, and LU Pim’s Framboise which are like jaffa cakes but raspberry and with dark chocolate.  Because this is pretend money, you see, and you can buy frivolous shit with it.

So now I've broken my luncheon voucher duck, I will take myself somewhere exotic (Chez Papy, two doors down from here) at the weekend, sit in the garden where I can actually see my own windows, and eat and drink with pretend money.


1 comment:

  1. Jesus and lunch vouchers - you always manage to hit an unexpected spot! Enjoy. Axxx
